Contact: Heather Johnson

Members of the Altar Guild prepare the church for worship services by setting out and then cleaning up the communion vessels, polishing brass, arranging or setting out flowers, replacing candles, marking Bible and Altar Book places and keeping the linen washed and ironed.

Each member takes a week, which turns out to be about once a month.  During the Christmas and Easter seasons we have need for extra shifts, which are covered on a volunteer basis.   We hold two meetings a year at which time all members get together to discuss issues, idea, and the future while having a happy time socializing and keeping aware of how wonderful a group we really are.

We are in need of new members - male or female - to join us, as many hands make light work.  If you are interested in this quiet behind-the-scene ministry to our community, please contact one of the clergy at the church - (403) 256-1428, or leave a message at the church office for the Altar Guild.