It's a tremendously special day at St. Paul's! We're observing Holy Cross Sunday, and focussing on how "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever puts their trust in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). It's Back to Church Sunday, a day we invite people to "come and see" Jesus in our midst, and experience being welcomed home. It's the first day of in-person Sunday School since March 2020. It a time we're praying for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth, King Charles III, and all the Royal Family, and sing for the first time together "God Save the King." And it's a time we're remembering the tragic events of 9/11 twenty-one years ago.
As it's a Holy Eucharist, we’re most blessed to share Holy Communion together, physically or spiritually, feeding by faith with thanksgiving on the One who laid down his life for us, so that we may have his life within us always.
When our Liturgy ends, the service begins, with a “Sending” forth into the world to share, in word and in deed, the love of God with joy, in the power of the Holy Spirit, in word and in deed.
Many thanks to Norman for agreeing to preside and preach at the Service, as Fergus continues to isolate at home with COVID-19.
Today’s Service of Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed on our main Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/stpaulscalgary) at 9:30 am. Following the service, the video will be posted on our YouTube Channel, and a link to the service will be added here. To watch this service in full screen mode, please click on the “Watch on YouTube” button in the lower left-hand corner of the video. Please download the Order of Service in the Sermon Notes above if you would like to follow along. If you are sharing this Service online and don’t have Reserved Sacrament, you are invited to say the Prayer for Communion for those receiving Spiritual Communion also available above.
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(a) ONE LICENSE with license # A-713985, and/or
(b) CCLI with Streaming License # 20351479.
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