It's the Feast of Corpus Christi ("the Body of Christ") and Father’s Day, and our Service celebrates these themes throughout. We’re marking Father’s Day with a Banner, Children’s Time, Father’s Day Prayer, and special gift for all Dads and fathers in the Faith. We’re marking the Feast of Corpus Christi ("the Body of Christ"), by remembering how our Lord Jesus pours out his love for us, to be the Bread of life who feeds the deepest hunger of our hearts; his gift to us of Holy Communion, in which we feed on him by faith in our hearts with thanksgiving; and his summons to us, his Church, to share (and be) bread for others, as we live as his Body in the world. Our Liturgy has these themes throughout – including a Corpus Christi Litany and Prayer for the Church from the Prayer Guide for the Lambeth Conference, and a most special dedication of a Communion Kit in loving memory of Ian Robinson (also most fitting for Father’s Day). Speaking of our Liturgy, for many years at St. Paul’s, we’ve seen it as most appropriate on this day to have an Instructed Eucharist, looking together at the meaning of the different parts of the Eucharistic Liturgy. We’ll be carrying on this custom this year. Assisting us in our worship are Deacon Bob, who’s sharing a brief Homily (as it’s an Instructed Eucharist, in a sense, the whole Service is a Sermon); our Choir, who are leading us in 8 Congregational Hymns and sharing an Anthem; young people Sofia and Freddie (very appropriate for Father’s Day) sharing our First and Second Readings; and Doreen leading us in the Prayers of the People.
Today’s Service of Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed on our main Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/stpaulscalgary) at 9:30 am. Following the service, the video will be posted on our YouTube Channel, and a link to the service will be added here. To watch this service in full screen mode, please click on the “Watch on YouTube” button in the lower left-hand corner of the video. Please download the Order of Service in the Sermon Notes above if you would like to follow along. If you are sharing this Service online and don’t have Reserved Sacrament, you are invited to say the Prayer for Communion for those receiving Spiritual Communion also available above.
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