Today, we’re celebrating the Feast Day of one of the most beloved figures in Church history, St. Francis of Assisi. Our Readings, Homily and Prayers will all reflect this theme. And we’ll end our Service with the Blessing of animals. To help us do this, we’re blessed to have Deacon Bob preaching and assisting, Murray sharing the First and Second Readings from Holy Scripture, Stacy on tape leading us in the Prayers of the People, our Virtual Choir leading us in 4 Hymns (including “All Creatures of Our God and King,” based on words by St. Francis), and “Virtual Paul” leading us in “The Prayer of St. Francis” during Communion.
Today’s Service of Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed on our main Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/stpaulscalgary) at 9:30 am. Following the service, the video will be posted on our YouTube Channel, and a link to the service will be added here. To watch this service in full screen mode, please click on the “Watch on YouTube” button in the lower left-hand corner of the video. Please download the Order of Service in the Sermon Notes above if you would like to follow along. If you are sharing this Service online and don’t have Reserved Sacrament, you are invited to say the Prayer for Communion for those receiving Spiritual Communion also available above.
Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from:
(a) ONE LICENSE with license # A-713985, and/or
(b) CCLI with Streaming License # 20351479.
All rights reserved.
Since Sep. 26th, there are no in-person activities (including Services) at St. Paul’s or any other church in the Diocese, for at least 4 weeks. Because of the huge spike in people suffering from COVID-19 and the overwhelming strain on our healthcare workers and facilities, the Diocese is committing ourselves to doing all in our power not to worsen the crisis, by moving back to our Services and other activities being online only. Near the end of the 4 week period, the Diocese will evaluate the situation and give guidance about the possible return to what we all wish we could be doing. We continue to pray for our City, Province, Country, and World as we go through the great challenge of this pandemic together.