
Psalm 147:1-12, 21c, Isaiah 40:21-31, Mark 1:29-39
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

It’s the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. Our focus this week is on following our Lord Jesus’ example, and taking the time to slow down and connect with God, so that we can go through life, with all its challenges, soaring like eagles, rather than flapping frantically like hummingbirds! This whole Service, from first to last, is designed to help us make and strengthen this connection. We’re blessed to have to enrich our Service, hymns led by our Virtual Choir, and an instrumental piece during our Offertory; 3 powerful passages from Holy Scripture on connecting with God, including Keith on video to share the passage from Isaiah from which the words in the image with this email are taken; Stacy leading us in a Responsive Litany and a Prayer in Response to COVID-19 penned by the Moderator of the United Church of Canada; an additional prayer responding to the pandemic is offered on video by the Primate of Southern Africa; and the sharing of Spiritual Communion together, in which we feed on our Lord by faith with thanksgiving. Then, our Liturgy ends, and the service begins, as we go forth to united in our mission to share the Good News, spreading the light of love wherever there is darkness through what we say and do.

Today’s Service of Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed on our main Facebook page ( at 9:30 am. Following the service, the video will be posted on our YouTube Channel, and a link to the service will be added here. Please download the Order of Service if you would like to follow along.

Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from:

(a)   ONE LICENSE with license # A-713985, and/or

(b)  CCLI with Streaming License # 20351479.

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