
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, Canticle 18, John 1:6-8, 19-28
Third Sunday of Advent

It’s Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday Advent - the Sunday of Joy! Our Children’s Time and Sermon explore how we can have joy in the middle of difficult times such as we're facing in the world now. We rejoice that, through the wonder of technology, we're able to have Deacon Bob preach and Stacy read the First Lesson and lead us in the Prayers of the People. We're lighting 3 candles in the Advent Wreath, as our Archbishop mentioned in the video introduction to Advent that we watched on Advent Sunday, having the light grow stronger as the days grow darker, to proclaim silently the Good News that Jesus is the Light of the world. Technology is also enabling our “Virtual Choir’ to lead us in our opening Hymn as well as our pre-recorded closing Hymn. In our Prayers, Stacy will be leading us in the Advent Litany in the BAS, the ancient "O" Antiphons; and then a Prayer in Response to COVID-19 from Nepal. We're receiving Jesus in our hearts with joy, as we share together through Spiritual Communion a foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet we await. Then, "going our way rejoicing," our Liturgy ends, and the service begins, as we go forth to sow seeds of joy in the world.

Today’s Service of Holy Eucharist was livestreamed on our main Facebook page ( at 9:30 am. The video is now posted on our YouTube Channel and a this website. Please download the Order of Service if you would like to follow along.

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