Today's service was recorded in two parts, again due to some technical issues.
Part 1 is on YouTube at the following link: https://youtu.be/pmKIWn1Brvo
Part 2 is on YouTube at the following link: https://youtu.be/7VZ_lg3RMo8
This Sunday, we’re celebrating the Feast of the Reign of Christ, the last Sunday and climax of the Season of Pentecost! Every year on this day, we remember how our Lord Jesus is exalted and reigns on high at the Father’s Right Hand; and we also remember how his reign is a reign of love, and that he calls us to play a part in spreading his loving rule. Our Service throughout, in our Music, Readings from Holy Scripture, Guest Message, and Prayers, reflects these themes. Through the gift of technology, our Choir is leading us in our Opening and Closing Hymns; Dan is offering our First Reading; Doreen is leading us in the Prayers of the People; and a special guest, Dave Conrad from The Mustard Seed, is speaking to us about their Ministry – all while staying safe at home. It’s also a Triple C Service – the Christ-centred, Creative Celebration we have on the fourth Sundays of the month, in which we do things a little differently. We’re using The Message and J. B. Phillips Versions of the Bible for our Readings, and have parts of our Liturgy from the Methodist Church in Mexico, the United Church of Christ in the US, and a nondenominational church in the UK, in addition to our own BAS. We also have a Children’s Time in which we’ll be singing about being “Children of the Light.” The Service ends with our receiving in our hearts with thanksgiving our King of love, so that we may have his life in ourselves, as we share Spiritual Communion together; and then going forth into the world in his Name.
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(a) ONE LICENSE with license # A-713985, and/or
(b) CCLI with Streaming License # 20351479.
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