
2 Timothy 4:5-13, Psalm 147:1-7, Luke 4:14-21
20th Sunday after Pentecost - St. Luke the Evangelist

This Sunday is St. Luke’s Day, and National Healthcare Aides’ Day, so a healing theme is prominent throughout our Service. We’ll also be marking World Food Day, which occurs on Oct. 16, and so will also focus on the call to eradicate hunger through economic justice. We’re blessed to have Deacon Bob with us, to share the Gospel and preach the Homily, and Kerry and Doreen to share the First Reading and Prayers of the People, respectively. In the latter, Doreen is leading us in a special St. Luke’s Day Litany, which lifts up the needs of the world (including ourselves) for healing; and two prayers for World Food Day. We’re blessed to have own Choir (recorded) singing our Hymns, Steve Bell on tape during our Offertory, and Paul playing live for us on the keyboard during Communion. And for only the second time since Mar. 8, this Communion will not only be spiritual (which we’ve been sharing since Easter) but also physical! The service will be streamed live to our Facebook page and the link to that video will be posted here shortly after the service.

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(a) ONE LICENSE with license # A-713985, and
(b) CCLI with Streaming License # 20351479.
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